Meet Tara

Business through and through…

Business started for me at an early age through my family’s dry cleaning business in rural Oregon. From there, I have found business to be both fascinating, and profoundly over-complicated. My mission is to simplify business and amplify the businesses that are running in a way that is whole, transparent, inspiring, and oriented towards local economic growth and resiliency.

I have a BA from Portland State University (Oregon), as well as, an MBA from the Metropolitan College of New York (NYC) - both achieved while working full time. I often sit on panels presenting as a SME on topics such as organizational culture and business strategy, as well as, being keynote speaker on topics around strategy, business development and the future of the workplace. I have almost 20 years experience as a business consultant, as well as, within JPMorgan Chase in the Business Transformation Office, where I successfully led high priority change initiatives across all LOBs, spanning from product development, advisor and client experience, technology rollouts, and much more.

I live in Mid-Coast Maine now, where I grow fruit trees, vegetables, and plants for making hydrosols, while tending to my chickens and beloved dog.